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We practice the sequences of the Chinese Health Qigong Association of Beijing, as well as various traditional sequences learned through decades of continuous practice.
We develop every aspect of Qigong, regulating the body, spirit, and mind.

The Qigong methods practiced in our Association they are studied in theirs wholeness, both on a theoretical and practical level.
This is possible BECAUSE from 1976 to today we have not never stopped learning with Chinese Great Masters.
This is why they are COMPLETE and extremely EFFECTIVE for health.
We practice Chinese Health Qigong sequences Association of Beijing, as well as various sequences traditional skills learned over several decades of practice continue.
We develop every aspect of Qigong.

  • Courses and Seminars Qigong specialists
  • Two-year course Qigong Practitioners (Basic & Intermediate Level)
  • Third year of optional in-depth study (Advanced Level)

Qigong can be described as a mind-body-spirit practice that improves one's own mental and physical health by integrating posture, movement, breathing technique, self-massage, sound and intention.
There are many styles, schools, traditions, forms and lineages of Qigong, each with different practical applications and theories on Qi ("subtle breath" or "vital energy") and on Gong ("skill cultivated through constant practice").
Qigong opens the flow of energy in the meridians used in acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
It improves our ability to feel the Life Force and to deepen our communication with it.

Levels, qualifications and study programs

The "Course is active within our Association two-year professional course for Qigong Practitioners", which yes proposes to create new professional figures in the Qigong field.
The course can be attended in presence or online and mixed, making it comfortable for all those who want train from home, with times and times that you can manage personally.
All courses are led by Shifu Zanetti and/or teachers qualified members of our Association

Theory QG037 1. General introduction

The figure of the Qigong Teacher

Definition of Qigong and definition of school of Qigong

2. Fundamental theories

Origin of Qigong and major Qigong schools traditional

QG036 Theories of medical qigong

Yin-Yang and Five Elements

Zang-Fu and meridian theory

The three treasures: Jing, Qi, Shen

QG035 Theories of other Qigong schools

Taoist, Buddhist, Confucian Qigong theory, martial

QG034 3. Practical Qigong methods

Basic operations

Three settings: Tiao Shen, Tiao Xi, Tiao Xin

Natural and reverse abdominal breathing

General introduction to Qigong forms

Classification of Qigong Forms

Guidelines and precautions for practice

Possible side effects to Qigong practice

Errors and fixes
Practice QG033 站桩功 Zhangzhuangong - Standing Pole Exercise

放鬆功 Fang Song Gong - Relaxation Qigong

QG032 八段錦 Baduanjin - Eight pieces of brocade

QG031 易筋经 Yijingjin - Classic of the changes. of tendons e muscles

QG03E Evaluation of QG03 Modules
QIGONG OPERATOR - Intermediate level
Theory QG025 2. Fundamental theories

Scientific research on Qigong

Modern research on Qigong

Physiological effects

Psychological effects

QG024 4. Clinical applications of Qigong

General introduction to Qigong therapy

Indications of Qigong therapy

Principles and treatment of syndromes

Standard clinical procedures of Qigong therapy

Qigong Sequences
Practice QG023 五禽戏 Wuxingqi - Game of the Five Animals

QG022 六字诀 Liuzijue - Six secret sounds

QG021 坐势八段錦 Zuo shi Baduanjin - Seated Bāduànjin

QG02E Evaluation of QG02 Modules
Qigong Sequences

QG0114 From Wu Qigong - Great Qigong Dance

QG0113 Wuxingqi - Five Animal Game

QG0112 Mawangdui Daoyin Shu - Art of leading (Qi) by Mawangdui

QG0111 Bǎi rì chǔ jī gōng - Foundation work in one hundred days

QG0110 Li Pai Qigong - Qigong of Li Pai Taijiquan

QG0109 Daoyin Yangsheng Gong - Conducting exercises nourishment of life

QG0108 Yang sheng zuo shi Baduanjin - 8 pieces of brocade sitting, nourishing life

QG0107 Xi Sui Jin - Classic cleansing of the marrow

QG0106 "Míng mù gōng - Exercise to lighten the eyes"

QG0105 Nan Baduanjin - Eight pieces of Southern brocade

QG0104 Taiji Yang Sheng Zhang - Taiji Stick for feeding life

QG0103 Shíbā Lóhàn Gōng - Exercise of the 18 Buddhas

QG0102 Sìshíjiǔ shì jīng luò dòng gōng - 49 methods of move the meridians

QG0101 Tid Sin Kyun - Iron Wire Shape

3 systems 3 levels

These three levels can be pursued through various systems integrated within our training programs: Academic Centers, Online Academy, Seminari e Workshops.
I tre sistemi sono completamente integrati.
Vedi il dettaglio dei tre sistemi.

Academic Centers Online Academy Seminars

“If the waters are calm, they reflect the moon.
Similarly, if we calm ourselves, we reflect the divine”.