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The extraordinary Chinese two-handed saber

Miáo Dāo - "Wheat Sprout" Saber

The Miao Dao is different from normal sabers.
It is primarily based on holding the sword with both hands.
The postures are simple, and the attacks are close.
When moving, the body propels the saber forward, and the saber rotates with the waist.
When advancing, you must follow, and when following, you must advance.
In terms of offense and defense, it emphasizes continuous attacking.
There is an attack in defense and defense in the attack.
The changes in techniques are described by Master Cheng Chongdou of the Ming Dynasty in the book "单刀法选 Dāndāo fǎ xuǎn": "Its usage is complicated, secretive, and unpredictable, thus long-range skills are often defeated by the saber."

The "Wheat Sprout" saber, or Miao Dao, is a two-handed saber about 150 cm long, created in the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, with a history of over 2,000 years.


You can learn the Miao Dao by participating in our training program.
And if you are a teacher, you can organize a "Training Seminar" in your city !

Study Program

  • Fundamentals and Steps
  •     Historical origins, specifications,
        and characteristics.
        Basic methods, steps, and body techniques.
  • Saber Techniques
  •     13 Saber attack techniques.
        13 Saber defense techniques.
  • Miao Dao Taolu
  •     Taolu of the "Wheat Sprout" Saber.
  • Basic and Intermediate Applications
  •     Twenty basic defense and
        counterattack methods.
        Thirteen advanced defense and
        counterattack methods.

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